online resources

Online Coding Resources for Parents

How to Introduce Your Kids to Code

Interested in getting your kids involved with coding?  There are hundreds of resources on the internet that can help your child start down the path to gaining a very rewarding skill set. For a more in-depth experience consider finding local coding camps and programs!

Changing Expectations is proud to offer coding and makerspace classes in Central Texas that provide your children with hands on training. Read our suggestions for online coding resources then head over to our programs tab to sign up for coding classes with Changing Expectations!


A few suggestions to get you started:

  • Kids Code Jeunesse: Teaches free computing classes in schools and offers free lessons and resources for parents. If you’d like your child to learn to code in school, have their teacher or principal contact Kids Code Jeunesse.
  • National Girls Learning Code Day: On November 7, 2015, girls between 8 - 13 can learn HTML & CSS to make their very first websites. For free!
  • Robot Turtles: A crowd-funded board game for ages four and up. Teaches basic coding skills and computational thinking.
  • SCRATCH: A program from MIT that lets kids create games and animations without learning programming text—it’s a drag-and-drop way to learn computer concepts and have fun.
  • Raspberry Pi: An inexpensive (about $50) credit-card sized computer that can be programmed just like a desktop PC.  Can be used as a learning tool and a full-service computer by kids and adults alike!
  • LEGO WeDo: The step between traditional building blocks and robotics, this Lego series allows kids to build models with programmable motors and sensor.
  • Kodable: Designed for users as young as five, this iPad app boasts the tagline “Learn to code before you know how to read.” It uses games that subtly teach coding with few instructions.
  • Tynker: For kids who can already read, this app for Android and iOS helps teach programming logic with visual code blocks.


Head over to our parenting tab for more info and don’t forget to check out our upcoming, makerspace and coding events! Sign up while availability lasts!


Computer Science for All

is a bold new initiative to empower all US students from kindergarten through high school to learn computer science and be equipped with the computational thinking skills they need to be creators in the digital economy, not just consumers, and to be active citizens in our technology-driven world.

Changing Expectations is a proud Consortium Member of CSforAll. We are committed to providing K-12 and higher education STEMlearning opportunities to alleviate diverse talent shortages and advance the future STEM and computing workforce by inspiring and preparing K-12 and college students.  We particularly focus on preparing and supporting those who are underrepresented in STEM fields: female, low income, and students of color–to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math related fields. 

Check out CSforAll's webpage to see the work being done on the national stage. For a look at how to get involved locally, head over to our programs page